Friday, June 27, 2008

Taco Tuesday

Sometimes it is hard for me to talk to people that I don’t know, but I am working on that. I remember in high school that I usually just kept my mouth shut, but as I have gotten older, my mouth has gotten bigger, and I have gotten bolder.

My roommate, Michelle, and I are going out this weekend to meet our neighbors and invite them over for dinner on July 8th. You see about a month ago she bought a Wii, and we started talking about inviting people over for “Taco Tuesday.” So far we have had some college students, friends, and co-workers over. Our next step is to invite our neighbors. Our prayer is that we can minister to the people that surround us, by building relationships with them. So this weekend, we are going to make some flyers up and go meet our neighbors and get acquainted with them. I am really excited about it!!

Please pray for us as we open up our home and ourselves to our community. Please pray that we will be able to show them Christ in not only our words, but our actions.


J.E. said...

Great Idea!!!!